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Monday, 6 August 2012

10 Nail Blogger Questions

10 Nail Blogger Questions

I saw this on Lissa's Polish Addiction and decided to answer the questions myself. If you are a blogger I would love it if you answered these questions. Please feel free to post a link to your blog below :) I have no problem with people leaving their blog links in the comments section, I will come visit!

1. For how long have you been a nail nerd?

For as long as I can remember I have been a chronic nail-biter. In highschool we weren't allowed to wear nail polish but now that highschool is far far away in the past I have started wearing nail polish and caring for my nails. It's really only been four months since my 'obsession' with nail polish began. 

2. How many polishes do you have in your collection?

61, yikes scary!!!! I'm feeling really bad now :(

3.If you, starting now, had to use polishes from one brand only, which one would it be?

I am very very tempted to say Essence because they are 5-free and not expensive BUT their formula is not that great so probably Revlon even though they are not 5-free :(
I am also desperate to try out keeki polish which is water-based and 100% safe to use :) 

4. How much do you spend on polish and nail care in one given month?

I don't want to know!More than I should.....

5.The most expensive polish in your collection is..?

Kit nail polish

6.What are your lemmings right now?

I just discovered Revlon's Colourstay range which is awesome! So I definitely want more from that range. I also want some holographic polish and a gold polish....and and and, oh my goodness, so many lemmings :)

7.Favourite finish?

Smooth shiny cremes are my favourite at the moment.

8.Finish you just can’t stand?

At the moment it is glitter because it's impossible to get off and I feel like it damages my nails as I try to get it off. It is pretty though :/

9.What nail care products can’t you do without?

My 4-step Buffing block from The Body Shop!

10.What polish is on your nails right now?
Revlon Blue Slate - I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! The new Colourstay range of polishes from Revlon are so awesome. I have have all of fingers crossed that my love for them isn't let down...


  1. Hi! I was just nominated for a Liebster Award which helps small bloggers to promote each other.. so I've just nominated your blog too! To participate and see your link on my page, go here:

  2. hahaha we have around the same number of nail polish! that's cool :)


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