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Monday, 11 March 2013

Project No Buy Week 2

Week two of the project no buy! Click here to read the original post that explains the rules. I'm really glad that I am doing this challenge because it holds me accountable for my spending and helps me keep to my budget!!!

Weekly goals:

1. I want to get back on track with my exercising and healthy eating. I injured my knee two weeks ago and have been unable to power walk, even walking around the shopping centre causes it to ache.....
As long as my knee cooperates I want to go on at least two power walks.

2. I want to get two nail posts up this week so that is goal number two.

3. I want to write reviews on Burt's Bee cuticle cream and Nivea pure and natural hand cream.

4. Uni has started again so I need to make sure I complete all notes and lectures for this week of content.
I am also going to modify the rules for this challenge, in regards to credit gained. For each weekly goal achieved I will reward myself with $3 of credit and if I achieve two or more goals I will reward myself with an extra $1 for each goal achieved.

Take care :)


  1. I honestly really need to jump on this challenge too... It´s not that Im buying too much but I do already have LOADS of things when it comes to cosmetic products :)
    I really need to do this :)
    Good luck with the goals sweetie :)

  2. I love the idea of earning credits for sticking to your goals! I really should try something like this, since heaven knows I have a lot of things I should be doing but am slacking about. :)

    1. Hahaha same here!!! Goal-setting is the only way I ever get anything done because procrastination is my best friend :)


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