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Monday, 18 June 2012

Review: Revlon Scandalous

Hi there. Hope today is going well for you. Mondays are not known for being great but without Mondays how would we enjoy Fridays?

Unfortunately I have gone on a massive nail polish buying expedition since discovering all the nail polish blogs out there and starting this I am officially not going to buying any more nail polish for a long time, we'll see how that goes lol. 

Anyway my most recent purchase was Revlon Scandalous which has been blogged and reviewed to death and it looked really awesome so when I saw that it was 30% off, down to ten bucks I had to have it. Ok well admittedly I didn't really think about the purchase at all. I have brought a few glitters lately and have not been impressed (more on that later) so it was probably dumb to buy another glitter but since its Revlon I figured it had a chance of pleasing me. 

First impressions were wow. In the bottle it looks amazing. I love my black and even though I use to wear black nail polish back when I was into all the 'emo' and 'gothic' stuff when I was a teen, I still wear a lot of black clothing. It's practical, flattering and you can always wear it with a bright scarf or a  bold handbag. 

Anyway back to nail polish. First impressions were good. Scandalous looks amazing in the bottle. First coat was very sheer and I didn't apply it very well. Second coat was slightly better but still sheer. So I grabbed an oldie, Rimmel 'Black out' which was the black I use to wear in my teens and did a first coat on all of my other nails with it. Whilst Black Out is a bit sheer with one coat its sufficient when you layer Scandalous over the top of it. So fast forward a few minutes and I've got one coat of Rimmel 'Black Out' with two layers of Revlon's 'Scandalous' over the top. 

Second impressions was that it was pretty good application wise. Being a novice at glitter polish I don't have heaps of glitter on each nail but I'm still happy with it. There is a mix of fine glitter and larger pieces of glitter. I personally prefer the finer grains of glitter because the larger pieces require more attention however I will probably get better at applying this polish :) I would recommend doing your first coat of Scandalous with a focus on getting a nice even coat of the fine grain glitter and then on the  second coat paying more attention to the placement of the larger glitter, even though it will still be random.

Third impressions, after wearing the polish for about 16 hours would be that a top coat could be a good idea. I am also interest in the idea of a matte top coat over this polish for something quirky. 

Ok so now I have rambled on  A LOT about that you probably want to know more about the polish itself. It is a bright purple / fuchsia glitter in a black nail polish. Formula is Formaldehyde and Toluene free. I believe it was formally called 'Facets of Fuchsia' but not 100% sure on that. 

Would I recommend this product to you? Yes, if you are after a fun polish. If you are in a rush and tend not to swap your nail polish frequently? Probably not because I have a feeling I am going to get sick of it soon! However it would be awesome for a special occasion
Score: 7/10

1 comment:

  1. It does look pretty the colour. I like glitters as they look quite nice. I actually have the Rimmel Black out shade which is really nice and plain black with no glitter. I like the grunge, goth emo scene although I am bit more indie/alternative myself. Thanks for sharing. Great read.


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