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Tuesday, 31 July 2012

The winter challenge day 16

Newspaper nails = one very excited polish addict
Reality = fail
That just about sums it up. I was really looking forward to doing newspaper nails because a) it was something I had never done before and b) they look awesome when done properly. Sadly mine failed.
I chose to paint my nails a pale pink. Then I got my wet nail polish and applied the print onto my nails. That step worked out way better than I expected and the words were surprisingly crisp. However I struck trouble when I went to put a top coat on. All my words smeared and smudged together to form a black blob :(
Here are the less than extraordinary photos of this failed attempt. But I shall try again because I still think it is a cool idea.
Excuse the lack of clean-up. The newspaper ink went all over my fingers and because it was obviously a fail I didn't bother cleaning up and just removed it straight away. 


  1. Great reading all the postings, I am a bit slow with catching up with going away on holidays and now I am sick so excuse the lack of postings. Nice idea the newspaper nails, I will have to see if it works myself.

  2. welcome back:)
    for the newspaper nails all you need to use is water + some pressure on your nail :)

  3. i tried this a couple of times too! i found it just took a bit of experimenting and failing before it worked but i need to try it again

  4. Hi Carmella :)
    Thanks for commenting and following my blog:) Will go have a look at your blog now...
    I will definitely be trying newspaper nails again,maybe when I am not in a rush though! Whenever you have no time for mistakes, mistakes happen :/


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