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Tuesday, 10 July 2012

The Winter Challenge

Hi everybody!!!!
I don't know about you but the winter is beginning to get to me. Can't go out the front door without a coat and a scarf, freezing cold hands, overcast skies, darkness stealing precious hours out of my day and the inevitable boredom, dvd marathons and comfort eating. 

Consequently I have decided to set myself a challenge and I invite all of you to join me in my winter challenge.

 Obviously I am aware that half of the world is enjoying summer therefore if you are lucky enough to be one of those people feel free to join this winter challenge but give it a bit of a summer twist :)

I have decided that the challenge will begin on  the 11th of July because I am afraid that nobody will want to participate and I will just end up waiting forever and ever but please feel free to jump in whenever you want to. There is a high level of self-efficacy for you, hahaha!

If you are going to attempt to participate please comment below and leave a link to your blog :) 



  1. I wish I had a blog, but I'll still do some of these! And I kinda thought you were nuts when j started reading this, because here in the USA its in the 100s or close to it. But now I understand:)

  2. Awesome!!! :) I hope you have lots of fun doing the challenges.
    No I am not crazy (well at least I hope not, lol) it really is winter here :( At least it has stopped raining.

  3. Sounds like fun, I will give it a shot! ;)

  4. Cool, looking forward to seeing your designs :)

  5. Hello darling! I'll jump in on your challenge! I'm also a fairly new blog, so some networking will be good for the both of us! <3

    I'll try to get caught up tomorrow, and do quick purple and red manis... and then, let the challenge commence!

    I'll go ahead and post a link to my first posts somewhere on your blog so you can find them. Also check out my blog itself... I'll promote your challenge (though I only have three followers, hah) in my sidebar. <3

  6. Hi Joy.
    Thanks for commenting :) As you can see I don't get many people reading so thank you very much for following me!
    I can't wait to see your challenge nails :)

  7. Hey, thanks so much for inviting me to take part in your Winter Challenge, but I'm just too busy right now with life and a couple of other nail polish challenges! Good luck though, I'll be keeping up with your challenge posts!

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog and following me :)
    I totally understand, I am finding it difficult to keep up already :( and its only day two :(
    The main reason I created it was that I couldn't find any challenges to do.... hahaha must have been looking in the wrong places :)
    Thank you again for following me :) Have a lovely day, cheers

  9. I would like to join the challenge, count me in thanks for seeing my blog!!! Great idea, saves me from thinking what colours to wear lol.

  10. Hi I will do blue nails tommorrow, love the challenge! I will wear Blue addicted by Essence as I am yet to try.

    My blog URL is and I will have the latest posting up tommorrow. Cheers.

    1. I love blue addicted, it is an awesome polish :) Did you see my post on blue addicted?
      I will go have a look at your blog, looking forward to seeing it :)
      Have a good weekend!

  11. I'd love to join! :-) may not post it on my blog every day but I will try on my Instagram - elissafayy. :) My blog is also pretty new!
    I'll start with Day 3 today. :)

  12. Hi Elissa. Thanks for visiting my blog :) I am looking forward to seeing your nails!
    I will visit your blog and instagram.
    Have an awesome weekend!


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