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Friday, 18 January 2013

31 day challenge day#18 - oldest untried

Woah! We are 58.06% of the way through the 31 day challenge :)

left hand

Today the prompt was "your oldest untried" so it was a pretty easy day for me since I only have 5 polishes untried (4 of those were given to me by one of my best friends in the world for christmas) and the other I bought while christmas shopping (mostly because it was a mega-bargain). Like as if I need another purple polish!
left hand
Anyway this is 'Lilac Love' from BYS and it is a beautiful purple creme. Slightly dusty it is the perfect colour for autumn and winter and applies effortlessly. It probably could be a one-coater if you were careful but I did two coats here (no top coat) and then since I loved my dotticure from yesterday I decided to have some more fun with dots today (sorry, I know its boring. I promise - no dots tomorrow!). I actually liked the dots more on my right hand but stupid me only did one coat of 'Lilac Love' on my right hand (and it's messy) so it could look better. Also, I found it impossible to take a steady photo of my right hand!!!

right hand 
The dots were done using a wooden cuticle stick and 'Black Satin' by Ulta3.

Thanks for reading and cheers! Enjoy your weekend (can you believe it s Friday already?)
And don't forget to check what the other girls have done :)


  1. It's Lovely oh and your oldest untried is only from Christmas shopping!? Way to go!!


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