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Thursday, 31 January 2013

31 day challenge - inspired by nature

Hi guys, playing catch-up here because I missed a couple of days for the 31 day challenge. So this was my design for "inspired by nature". Initially I was thinking green hills, green leaves, trees and flowers but I wanted to be a bit more interesting than that so I went with the nights' sky :)

I used "A date in the moonlight" by Essence and "Part Popper" by ModelsPrefer. "A date in the moonlight" is a beautiful navy polish with shimmer and "Party Popper" is a mixture of holo bar glitter and silver glitter in a clear base.

I used the nights' sky as my inspiration and really love how this turned out. The first time I wore Party Popper I was kind of disapointed with it, but it has redeemed itself here I think. What do you think?

I just got a new camera, yay!!!! So these are the first photos I took with the new camera. It's great, really it is, BUT, the only problem is that it is too good! Well you see the problem is that even though my cuticles look nice in real-life, the camera highlights all of the details of my fingers making my good cuticles look yuck. I don't want to think about what photos are going to look like when my cuticles are bad!

Cheers and take care :)


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Natalia :) thanks for commenting, I agree this does look pretty. I was surprised because last time I wore this polish I hated it!


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