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Friday, 25 January 2013

Day 22 of the 31 day challenge: inspired by fabric

Today for the 31 day challenge we had to do a manicure inspired by fabric. I pretty much knew straight away what my favourite fabric was but wasn't sure how to "translate" it into a nail design. I'm not the most artistic person in the world so drawing each individual flower was out of the question. I finally settled on just using the colours of the fabric to do a bit of a dotticure - yep I'm still in love with dotticures :) After just discovering how to do them without proper dotting tools I keep wanting to do them, hopefully i'm not too boring :s

The fabric is from one of my most worn pieces of clothing - an amazing maxi dress that is ever so flattering and super easy to wear! I might even go as far as saying it is my favourite piece of clothing! And the ironic thing is I'm a jeans and t-shirt person!!!!

The polishes I used were:

  • Spanish Moss - Revlon (green)
  • Bold Sangria - Revlon (purple)
  • Gorgeous Bling Bling - Essence (orange)
  • All Fired Up - Revlon (red)

Thanks for reading, take care :)


  1. cute! Love the color combos and design. You def have the talent so keep it up!


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