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Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Project No Buy - Introduction

Hi guys, have you seen the 100 day no buy challenge that has been floating around lately? My first response was laughter - not buying anything for 100 days seems impossible to me. Wow - I must be addicted to this whole blogging thing and buying things on impulse using the blog as a justification; "oh what the heck, this would make a great review for the blog". Said that to yourself before? Anyway, instead I will be participating in the 'Project No Buy' that the brilliant Nancy from The Dark Side of Beauty devised. However, because I have, um er, very little self-control I'm going to go easy with myself initially. I am going to make a set of rues to follow until April and then if I am successful I will make the rules harder for myself. 

The Rules

Beginning on the 1st of March:

  • I am not allowed to buy any eyeshadow, foundation, primer, BB cream and other assorted make-up unless I have ran out and have no alternative to use. 
  • Only essential products such as shampoo, deodorant and shower gel is allowed to be brought without feeling guilty IF I have no other alternative. 
  • I am not allowed to spend gift-vouchers on any cosmetics, nail polish etc. 
  • I am allowed to buy whatever I want (limited to $35) if I am at a shop that I normally don't go to or if there is a major sale or if I see a product that I cannot normally get easily.

Now this is why I love Nancy's idea! I get to reward myself for doing the following:
  • Following the rules of this no buy
  • Achieving my weekly goals
  • Successfully working towards my long-term goals for 2013
Weekly goals - once a week, perhaps on a Thursday, Friday or Sunday, I will set my three weekly goals. If I achieve all three of my goals I will add to my allowance $5, $4 if I achieve two and $1 if I achieve one.

Good study habits and marks - I am in my third year of my undergraduate course (OMG THAT IS SCARY) so good study habits and my marks are of the upmost importance. Therefore, for every week that I complete all coursework on time I will reward myself $5 to spend. For the completion of an assignment, seven days or more before the deadline, I will award myself $5. And now.....assignment result. If I receive a High Distinction I will award myself  $15 and for a  Distinction $6.

Empties - I have a very naughty habit of opening products as soon as I buy the and therefore end up with many many many of the same type of product open at the same time which is pretty pointless. At the moment I have four hand creams on the go which is ridiculous. For every product I use up I will reward myself with $1 of credit. 

Blogging - if I stay up to date with my photographs and blog posts I will reward myself with credit. So if I get two blog posts ahead of myself for nail swatches and one product review ahead of myself I will reward myself with $4 credit. 

The Credit
 The credit accumulates and for every week I don't spend any money on beauty products I gain an extra $1 credit bonus. 

Wish me luck and thanks for reading, 
cheers :)


  1. Wohooo kudos to you!!! Yep, that would be my reaction to this too: laughter!! You are so much more disciplined than I am, I would just continue laughing hahaha :))). No help for this crackhead!! :)))

    1. Yeah I still can't believe I'm doing this.......I must be crazy or something!

  2. Oh! Sounds like a great project! I'm currently in a No-buy-brake, but I'm not rewarding me at all :( It's just like you said, I have many products that have to be used up before I buy others.
    Good luck, and if you work hard you'll end up with a LOT of credit!!

  3. Awesome! Good luck!
    I personally love how this has worked out for me. I have read more and done more since I started the No Buy. I hope it works out for you as well!


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