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Friday, 24 May 2013

Things are happening!!!
Hi guys, hope all is well. This is just going to be a quick post to let you know about some exciting things and I have a question for you at the bottom of this post. I would really appreciate it if you would answer it, it will only take a couple of seconds - I promise!

Exciting thing #1 - "By the numbers" Monday. A new series of posts I will be doing each Monday to try and make Mondays a little less bleh. If you are wondering what the heck this means...they will basically be posts where I either pick a number and find something to write about or I might compare costs of a certain type of product (prices are numbers!) or maybe take you through some of my collection. First one will be up next week and if you have a blog and would like to participate let me know and I'll send you an inlinkz thing so that we can share each others posts :) I'm really excited about this. Please excuse my over use of the word "excited" in this post :-p

Exciting thing #2 -

Exciting thing #3 - I'm addicted to twitter! I would absolutely loved it (if you have a twitter account) if you let me know of your twitter user name so I can follow you! I love all of you guys, my lovely followers so it only seems fair if I follow you....I've only been on twitter a couple of weeks but I'm loving how interactive it is. Blog posts are great too but very one-sides, so if you have a question or just want to say "hi" my twitter username is: @BeautifulLivin_

Exciting thing #4 - I've finally made a facebook page for my blog so if you are always on facebook you might find it easier to stay updated via the facebook page. The link is:

And now for that question I mentioned earlier. I have exams coming up so instead of the blog going all haywire I thought I might ask my favourite bloggers to do some guest posts. Please vote below: Do you enjoy / read guest posts?

Do you enjoy / read guest posts? free polls 


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