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Thursday, 4 July 2013

Liebster Award

Hi guys,
hope you are all well and looking forward to the weekend :) I know I am!!!
Meagan from nominated me for a liebster award so a huge 'thank you' goes to Meagan. If you haven't checked out her blog you should, it's a great read.

Okay I guess I should stop rambling and answer the questions............

1. What is your favourite make up brand? 
This is a tough one! I guess I would say Revlon because their quality is consistently good and when mychemist warehouse has 50% they are good value for money too. I love their colorstay foundation and I find their nail polishes to be very tempting.

2. What is your favourite season in the year? 
Autumn or spring, I don't like the extreme hot or extreme cold and find that in autumn and spring (the "in between" seasons) you get the best of both worlds.

3. Where is your favourite place on earth? 
Wherever my family and friends are.

4. What is the one thing you could never give up? 
Not sure if this is referring to the make-up context or generally so I'll do it for both. Make-up wise I could never give up lip balm because I hate the feeling of dry and chapped lips (and the look gross too). Generally, I guess my family. I love them to bits even though they are highly skilled at driving me crazy sometimes.

5. What is your all time favourite shop? 
I actually don't know, it kind of depends on my mood. The type of shop that I enjoy going to the most would a book shop (even though they are nearly extinct now) because they are really relaxing and very self-indulgent. It can be really stressful when you are trying on clothes or shoes or whatever with books you don't have to worry about any of that :) I love the Myer beauty department too though and I spend way too much time in Priceline!

6. Are you a morning or night person? 
Night person most definitely!

7. What's your favourite scent? 
At the moment I am in love with a perfume from Benefit called 'So Hooked On Carmella'

8. What's one thing you want to do before you die? 
Move overseas.

9. Are you a pants or dresses/skirts kind of girl?
Pants although I do love putting on a dress, I just don't feel comfortable wearing them every day.

10. What's the one piece of advice you want to give your readers? 
Well I heard a really nice quote / motto a couple of weeks ago:

It's not the journey that matters but the people you travel with that matters.

I've probably messed up the words but hopefully you get the drift! 

Okay so now onto the technicalities of the Liebster award. I have to nominate ten bloggers who have <200 followers and I need to ask them 10 questions. 

My questions: 

1. Your favourite make-up product? 
2. Your favourite skin-care product? 
3. Your favourite nail polish? 
4. A product you regret buying? 
5. What was the last book you read? 
6. What was the last movie you saw? 
7. Do you return to blogs to see if your comments have been replied to? 
8. Do you buy make-up online? 
9. If you were stranded on an island name three things you would want to have with you. 
10. A piece of advice that you have followed?

And the people I nominate are:

Thanks for reading and have a great day!!!


  1. Thank you for the nomination <3

  2. Congratulations! I love your quote/motto! ^^

    1. Cheers, wish I could remember the proper wording of the quote/motto! GAH!!!

  3. I loved reading these answers! Also the motto was really nice and so true. Love your blog! xx


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